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  • Flowers
  • Traditions
  • Hiking
  • Photo
  • Architecture
  • Culture
  • Gastronomy
  • Natur
  • Patrimony
  • History
  • Flowers
  • Traditions
  • Hiking
  • Photo
  • Architecture
  • Culture
  • Gastronomy
  • Natur
  • Patrimony

Sélestat through the ages

I've always wondered about the countless timber-framed houses, ancient gateways, religious buildings, monuments and murals that line the streets of Sélestat.



" I have two different walks to suggest as I couldn't choose just one : Sélestat from my grandparents to today und Sélestat and its region, between vineyards and castles. "

Surprising and playful strolls

Fabien, I moved in Sélestat some years ago. I am an “eco-citizen” and I take an interest in the history of my fellow citizens, families and traditions of the region.

I propose you a stroll to discover the alley of the historical city centre with typical houses, as well as funny & even incongruous place, during a round walk.

Sélestat is a city at the crossroads of cultures as well as a meeting place; Caroline offer you a walk during which views are exchanged.